Say Two Productions Drama Film & Associated Arts
Email admin@saytwo.co.uk Tel 01772 452 361
Say Two
Community outreach work

family entertainment events
Providing live, interactive, online entertainment to hundreds of care homes, community centres
& support services every year.
Social dance (Hip-Hop, Street, Latin, Ballroom)
Creative film making sessions - your covid stories
Themed events e.g:
Great Gatsby Event
International Women's Day
Hits from the Musicals

Health Well-being
Nutritional coaching therapy
Identify the role of dietary habits in overall health.
Identify environmental and social influences on dietary patterns.
Describe factors that influence dietary patterns.
Recognise the limitations and dangers of a 'one-diet-fits-all' approach.
Identify how culture, age, geographic region, and socio-economic status influence dietary eating.
Special diets for special people.
Say 'no' to mental illness
Say 'no' to disease
Say 'no' to addiction & cravings
Beat stress & energy exhaustion
Improve digestion
12 weeks to super health
30 day burn fat diet
Natural highs